How To Clean Suede Jacket? Care And Maintenance

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Coats made of suede are soft, opulent, and typically quite expensive. Suede is more malleable, cooler, breathable, and conducive to more design options than full-grain natural leather.

Suede is leather with a napped or fuzzy finish that has been left natural or dyed. It is made from the soft underside of a split-grain animal hide. It is this finish that readily draws dust and absorbs stains like oil. While some minor stains on suede coats can be removed at home, thorough cleaning needs to be done by a professional dry cleaner who specializes in leather care.

How To Clean A Suede Jacket

Compared to leather, suede is a much more delicate material, so you should always be careful not to get your suede jacket heavily soiled. Your jacket should always look its best if you give it a light cleaning every so often.

Invest in a suede brush with two sides. Dry mud or dirt can be effectively removed with the wire side while buffing up the nap with the soft side. Use the wire brush only on dry suede and avoid applying excessive pressure to avoid damaging the suede’s surface. Always brush against the grain.

Use several paper towels to quickly absorb any liquid spilled on your jacket. The suede will absorb more liquid if the paper towel is pressed into the material. Try using a white pencil eraser to remove stains from your jacket; suede-specific erasers are also sold commercially. A 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar can also be used to remove stains when applied with a sponge. Applying an absorbent material, such as cornstarch, baking powder, or talcum powder, and leaving it on for the night is the best way to treat oil stains. Spray the jacket with a fine mist of water to remove water stains, and then use paper towels to absorb the excess moisture. You can also air dry your jacket after steam cleaning it by hanging it up close to your shower. Another efficient stain removal technique uses rubbing alcohol sprayed directly onto the stain and then scrubbed with a sponge. Whichever approach you choose, exercise kindness and patience, and finish by buffing the nap with a soft brush. Consult a dry cleaner or suede cleaning specialist if your jacket is very dirty.

How To Clean A Suede Jacket Collar

No matter how carefully you take care of your suede jacket, the collar will probably get dirty eventually. Apply cornstarch or baking soda to the collar and let sit overnight to absorb grease and stains. The collar should then be brushed with a stiff brush, followed by another pass if required. Additionally, you can purchase cleaning kits for suede or nubuck that come with an eraser and a firm brush. Use the eraser to rub the stain, then use the brush to get rid of the leftover substance.

How To Clean Oily Stains From Suede Coats

Treat As Soon As Possible

Suede is penetrated deeper the longer oily drips remain on it. Use a napkin or paper towel to blot any oily food that may have landed on a suede coat. Never rub or add water because these actions can damage the fabric.

Absorb The Oil

To absorb the oil, sift some baby powder or cornstarch over the stain. After a few hours, the powder should start to look oily. When that happens, use a soft brush to remove the powder. You may leave the powder on the stain for up to two hours.

If the oil stain has disappeared, use a suede brush to give the coat a thorough overall brushing. Apply the powder again and again until no more oil is absorbed, if the stain is still present.

How To Clean Food Stains And Mud From Suede Coats

Use A Light Touch With Wet Stains

When food or wet mud gets on a suede coat, never rub the stain. Rubbing only serves to embed the stain further into the leather. As much of the wet solid matter should be lifted away using a blunt knife or the edge of a credit card. Once the stain has dried, there will still be traces that need to be treated.

Use a paper towel or a fresh, white cloth to blot as much moisture as you can from the stain if it was caused by a liquid. To get the moisture off the suede and into the cloth, press the cloth firmly over the stain. Blotting continues as you turn the cloth to a fresh, dry spot. Allow the area to naturally dry away from sources of heat.


In order to prevent damage or discoloration if you have never worked with suede, always practice the steps on a small, concealed area first.

Treat The Dried Stain

Once the stained area has dried, treating it is simpler. Beginning with the gentlest method of treatment, you move on to more aggressive action. Utilize the suede brush to restore and smooth the fabric after each treatment.

    • To remove as much of the dried-on substance as you can, gently rub the area with a white microfiber cloth.
    • To gently rub away the stain, use an eraser from a pencil or piece of art gum.
    • In the event that all else fails, gently rub the stained area with an emery board nail file to remove the dried-on material.

How To Remove Sticker Residue From A Suede Coat

When pulled off the coat, sticky name tags or tape might leave a stain on the suede. The best course of action is to completely avoid them, but if there is residue still present, it is essential to move slowly in order to remove the sticky mess from the suede fibers.


Commercial glue removers like Goo Gone can ruin natural suede and leave an extremely difficult-to-remove stain.

Remove The Sticker Or Name Tag

If the sticker is difficult to remove, give it a light wet with a paper towel. To gently pry a corner loose or scrape the sticker away, use the edge of a credit card or blunt knife.

Allow The Area To Air-dry

Allow the area to air-dry away from the sun’s direct rays and heat after the sticker has been removed. If the residue is light, brush it away with a suede brush to see if it all comes off.

Erase The Stickiness

Try an art gum eraser if there is any residue. Make gentle, brief strokes. There is no need to scrub; the eraser should remove any remaining glue in the fibers.

Use An Emery Board

Use an emery board to gently rub the area if the suede brush and art gum eraser weren’t able to solve the issue. To avoid rubbing away the fabric’s texture, apply a very light touch.

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Brown suede jackets detail. Leather jacket, rebel symbol.

How Often To Clean A Suede Coat

Use a soft-bristled suede brush on the surface to remove loose dirt and dust after each wearing or at least once a week. Regular brushing will help put off the need for professional cleaning. If you are caught in the rain, let the wet suede slowly dry out of the sun and heat. The suede brush can then be used to lift any spots where the fabric has been crushed.

If a suede coat starts to smell like sweat or has noticeable stains, it should be professionally cleaned. At the end of the season, the coat should always be cleaned before being stored.

Care And Maintenance Ways

Can You Wash A Jacket Made Of Suede In A Washing Machine?

A suede or leather jacket should never be fully submerged in water, and it should never be put in a washing machine. However, you can find videos online where people claim that they put their suede jacket in a washing machine and that the result is a successful cleaning with no shrinkage. Leather loses its natural oils when exposed to water, and shrinkage is likely to result from dye removal. If the jacket is heavily soiled and it’s a case of washing machine or bin, then clearly you have nothing to lose, but if this an expensive much prized garment you should always send it to a specialist cleaner. If you do decide to machine wash the item, make sure to flip it inside out, use a warm wash cycle, and dry slowly.

Can You Dry Clean A Jacket Made Of Suede?

A suede jacket should be cleaned by dry cleaning.

How To Dry A Suede Jacket

A warm breeze outside is ideal for drying a suede jacket, but avoid direct sunlight. Allow warm air to circulate around the jacket if you are drying it indoors rather than placing it directly in front of a strong heat source.

A Suede Jacket May Be Dried In The Dryer.

Though you shouldn’t, you can. You might get away with it if you run the jacket through the dryer briefly on low heat, but if the jacket holds any sentimental value for you, never run it through the dryer. It’s important to remember that if you do shrink or damage the jacket in the dryer, this is likely irreversible and therefore not advised.

How To Protect A Suede Jacket

Wearing a suede jacket in conditions where it will get stained or damaged, such as inclement weather or muddy conditions, is not recommended despite the material’s durability. Before wearing your jacket, spray it with a suede protector spray to help it repel dirt and grease. You can also keep the suede looking clean by brushing it in the direction of the grain with a suede brush. Your jacket should be hung on a sturdy coat hanger in a well-ventilated space out of the sun.

How To Wash A Suede Jacket At Home

Although it is possible to successfully wash a suede jacket, there is always a chance that the jacket will be harmed. Suede should always be dry cleaned. Hand washing the jacket delicately in cool water with a mild detergent will increase your chances of success. Before letting the jacket dry naturally, give it a thorough rinse. Rather than wringing it out, use a towel to absorb as much water as you can.

Suede Leather Jacket Cleaner

There are numerous suede cleaners that can be purchased commercially. Always perform a test on a hidden area first, as directed by the manufacturer.

Suede Jacket Stain Remover

There are a number of methods you can employ to clean stains from suede. A suede brush and some water may be sufficient for minor stains, but some distilled vinegar may be used for more significant stains. Like a suede eraser, a clean pencil eraser will also function. Stains can be effectively removed with a wide variety of commercially available products; these typically take the form of lotions or erasers.

Can A Suede Jacket Be Ironed?

You can remove wrinkles from a suede jacket by ironing it, but you need to be very careful. Before you start, iron the jacket inside-out and cover the suede with a cotton surface like a pillowcase. Check the suede frequently and use the least amount of heat possible.

A Suede Jacket May Be Steamed.

In order to remove dirt and bacteria from suede, steam must be applied; however, it is essential to avoid wetting the material or applying heat directly to the surface. Steaming leather will enlarge the pores and allow for this. Additionally, steam from a kettle, steam iron, steam cleaner, or by hanging the item in a bathroom while a hot shower is running can be used to remove wrinkles from suede.

How To Condition A Suede Jacket

There are many commercially available suede conditioners that are suitable for conditioning a suede jacket. Prior to applying the conditioner, brush the suede in various directions using a suede brush. This will facilitate easier absorption of the conditioner.

Suede Jacket Polish

Never polish suede’s delicate, napped surface. A suede jacket’s appearance will be severely damaged if shoe or leather polish is applied to it.

In The Rain, Will A Suede Jacket Be Damaged?

You should avoid wearing a suede jacket in wet weather because it is a porous material that easily absorbs water. Water stains can be removed and the jacket can be returned to its original state, but soaking a suede jacket will remove all the natural oils and leave it stiff and shiny. A jacket in this condition could be repaired, but probably not to its original condition. Although a jacket that has been proofed will be much more water resistant, a suede jacket is not meant to be worn in wet weather.

A Suede Jacket—can It Get Wet?

The best time to wear a suede jacket is in dry conditions because water will leave a mark on it. However, a suede jacket can get wet and water stains can be cleaned. In order to handle light rain, a pre-proofed jacket will have enough water resistance.

How To Protect A Suede Jacket From The Rain

A suede jacket is not a wet weather item, but you can protect it from light rain by spraying a suede protector spray all over the jacket. The spray should be reapplied every four weeks for maximum protection.

Can Snow Damage A Suede Jacket?

A suede jacket will fare better in snow than in torrential downpour. Snow can be brushed off as it falls, minimizing the amount of water that gets inside the jacket. However, prolonged exposure to snow will cause the jacket to become saturated, which will result in long-term damage.

A Suede Jacket May Be Stretched, Though.

The most stretchable type of leather is suede, and one of its appealing qualities is that it will conform to the shape of your body. If the fit of your suede jacket is a little snug, it will likely loosen up after you wear it for a while, but you can hasten the process by using a suede-safe leather stretching spray that is readily available. Avoid using other techniques, like completely submerging leather, to stretch it.

A Suede Jacket May Be Dyed.

Due to its porous nature, suede readily accepts dye. You have two options for dyeing your jacket: either hire a professional or do it yourself with a suede dye that is readily available. When self-dying, it can be challenging to get an even color, so you might need to use several applications to get the desired effect. Speak with a specialist for the best outcome.

Can A Suede Jacket Be Changed?

Although it requires a skilled tailor, a suede jacket can be altered.

Is It Possible To Tailor A Suede Jacket?

The size of a suede jacket can be altered by a skilled tailor.

A Suede Jacket Can It Shrink?

Although putting a suede jacket in the washing machine or submerging it in cold water will cause it to shrink, doing so is not recommended because you risk ruining the item.

How To Waterproof A Suede Jacket

Sprays that are waterproof and protective come in a variety of varieties. Every four to six weeks, reapply after thoroughly spraying the entire jacket.

How To Deodorize A Suede Jacket

You can use baking powder or coffee grounds to absorb odors, but because suede is such an absorbent fabric, it is not a good idea to apply them directly to the garment because you risk leaving marks. Baking powder will absorb the smells from your jacket if it is put in a sealed bag along with the clothing and a bag or envelope containing the baking powder.

How To Store A Suede Jacket

It’s best to keep suede jackets out of direct sunlight and in a cool, dry environment. Instead of using a wire hanger, use a shaped hanger that is the proper size for the jacket.

Suede Jacket Rip

Either take your jacket to a professional tailor or purchase a leather repair kit and try to fix it yourself. You will require a kit that includes a patch made to go underneath the suede rather than on top of it.

How To Repair A Suede Jacket

Re-stitched suede jackets can have rips repaired and stains cleaned up. All of these procedures are best completed by a professional, but depending on the complexity of the repair, they can also be attempted at home.

Suede Jacket And Rust

Lemon juice is a common remedy for getting rust stains out of clothing made of fabric, but using lemon juice on suede will just make the stain worse. A suede eraser might help you get rid of a rust stain, but if that doesn’t work, you should get help from a professional.

Suede Jacket Smells Musty

Both baking powder and coffee grounds can be used to absorb odors, but because suede is such an absorbent fabric, it is not advisable to apply them directly to the garment because you risk leaving marks. Baking powder will, over the course of several days, absorb the smells from your jacket if it is put in a bag or envelope and placed in a sealed bag with the clothing.

Suede Jacket Has Gone Hard

Suede may become stiff with time as a result of heat and dirt. It must be thoroughly cleaned with a suede brush as the first step in regaining its naturally supple state. To lift the nap and get dirt out, brush the suede in various directions. Apply a suitable suede conditioner after that. Some conditioners advise finishing the process by warming the garment with a blow dryer set to the warm setting.

Suede Jacket Faded

It will be much simpler to restore a jacket that has faded evenly than one that has done so in patches. You have two options for dying your jacket: you can hire a professional or use a suede dye that is easily found in stores. Home dyeing can make it challenging to get an even color, so you might need to use several applications to get the desired effect.

Suede Jacket Bleeding

‘Your jacket starts bleeding when the dye starts to fade. This should not occur if the jacket is made of high-quality suede. One monthly application of a suede protector to your jacket should stop any potential bleeding. In extreme circumstances, the jacket might need to be redyed.

Suede Jacket Shedding

When little bits of suede separate from the jacket’s surface, this is known as shearing. Regular brushing with a suede brush designed for suede should take care of the issue.

Tips To Keep Your Suede Coat Clean Longer

  • To stop body oils from transferring to the coat’s interior collar, wrap a scarf around it.
  • While there are sprays made to make suede stain and water resistant, you should always test them on a hidden interior area first because they might change the suede’s texture and color.
  • Never let suede stay wet for an extended period of time. The coat should be hung up to air-dry slowly.
  • As soon as possible, have a stained suede coat cleaned by a professional. The more challenging it will be to remove the stain from the suede, the longer it stays there.

Lucky Wong

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