How to Clean Nespresso Machine Correctly in No Time

How to Clean Nespresso Machine Correctly in No Time

After using your Nespresso machine for a while, you may have noticed that the coffee is beginning to taste a little different. Or perhaps you simply think that now would be a good time to clean your device since it should be cleaned periodically. Your Nespresso machine needs to be cleaned frequently, just like any other coffee maker, to ensure continued, secure operation and, most importantly, delicious coffee.

In the sections that follow, we’ll explain why and when your Nespresso machine needs to be cleaned as well as provide you with step-by-step instructions for a machine that is both clean and functional. Let’s get started!

How to Clean Nespresso Machine Correctly in No Time

Why Do I Need to Clean My Nespresso Machine?

Coffee comes from an oily plant. As time passes and you brew a cup after another, oils build up inside your machine, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

Making a good cup of coffee with a dirty machine is impossible, even with the best coffee beans and the most advanced coffee maker.

Because the built-up coffee oils in your Nespresso machine can adhere to the machine’s components and clog it up, you should clean it regularly. If you want the best coffee possible, it’s best to keep the machine clean because this residue has an off-putting flavor and smell.

If you don’t clean your machine, the residue will affect your coffee and the Nespresso negatively:

  • Your beverage starts to taste bitter.
  • There will be a bad smell coming from the coffee maker.
  • The device will eventually become unusable due to clogging brought on by the coffee residue.

Cleanliness of your coffee equipment ensures that your espresso stays fresh for many years and that your coffee always tastes great. Cleaning your espresso equipment will remove that built-up residue.

What is Descaling and Why is It Important?

Descaling is another procedure that cleans the interior of your machine and ought to be carried out roughly every three months. The primary reason is that calcium deposits can form around the heating elements of your Nespresso machine as a result of the brewing process because the water you use to brew your coffee will naturally contain these minerals.

If this accumulation keeps your Nespresso machine from heating the water to the ideal temperature, that will have the biggest impact on how your coffee tastes. Any type of mineral insulation around the elements can prevent them from working properly, and under-extracted coffee from less-than-ideal water temperature never tastes good. It can result in a very unpleasant stale or even sour taste. This buildup won’t affect your coffee if you regularly clean and descal your appliance.

The accumulation of calcium or other minerals in your water over time can also cause equipment failure, which is even worse. The last thing you want is to wake up in the morning and discover that your Nespresso machine isn’t working!

Now that it’s clear why it’s necessary, let’s talk about how to do it.

How to Clean a Nespresso Machine

What You’ll Need

  • Dish soap
  • A container that can hold 32 ounces of water (and fits under the machine head)

How to Do It

Step 1: Rinse and scrub the water tank. Start by taking out the water tank and emptying it into the sink. Before adding fresh drinking water, hand wash the tank with a mild dish detergent and give it a good rinse. Relock the clean, full tank.

Step 2: sanitize the capsule’s packaging. Lift the appliance’s top to remove the used Nespresso capsule if there are still traces of yesterday’s coffee inside. The capsule container should then be taken out and hand washed with water and dish detergent. Once it is completely clean, it should be replaced.

Step 3: Wash the drip tray. You know the drill: just take out the drip tray, give it a good wash with soap and warm water, and put it back where it belongs.

Step 4: Heat up the machine. When it’s finished, the light will stop blinking and turn on continuously.

Step 5: Start the cleaning procedure. When the machine’s light is a steady white, put a container big enough to hold a liter of water on the cup tray. After that, quickly press the machine’s button three times (i.e., within 2 seconds) and the cleaning process will start. Within two minutes, water should begin to flow from the coffee outlet, and the entire rinse will be finished in about seven minutes.

How to Descale a Nespresso Machine

Not only does coffee residue slow down your Nespresso machine and alter the flavor of your beverage, but minerals in regular tap water can also lead to limescale buildup, which will ultimately impair the functionality of your appliance. Descaling the machine should be done about every three months to prevent this. Using the Nespresso descaling liquid, a chemical solution made to dissolve tough mineral deposits, is what distinguishes this procedure from the cleaning method previously described. You can descale your machine easily by following these steps, and it will operate like new afterward.

Step 1: Clean out the capsule and drip tray. Before putting them back in their place, give them a quick wash.

Step 2: Empty the water tank. Fill the tank with one unit of Nespresso descaling liquid and 17 ounces (.5 L) of water after emptying it of any remaining water. To the machine with the tank, return it.

Step 3: Heat up the machine. To start heating up and turning the machine on, close and lock it. As soon as the machine is prepared for use, the light will stop blinking.

Step 4: Enter descaling mode. Friends, pay close attention as I get a little technical here: To eject the capsule, first open the machine head. Pull the lever to the right until it is in the unlocked position, then close the machine head back up. Once the steady light has disappeared and begun to blink orange, press and hold the button one more time.

Step 5: Start descaling. You have 45 seconds to begin descaling once the light turns orange and starts to blink quickly. To accomplish this, merely set a sizable container—at least 1 liter—beneath the coffee outlet and lock the device by turning the lever to the left; descaling will begin automatically.

Step 5: Clean the removable parts. When the orange light on the light switch stops blinking, the descaling process is complete. It’s time to rinse, so start by taking out the drip tray, capsule container, and water tank. Return them to the machine after giving them a thorough rinse (or hand wash them for extra care).

Step 6: Rinse the machine. Fill the tank with fresh drinking water, empty the descaling container, and then put it back on the cup tray. Once the button has been pressed, the rinsing cycle will start.

Step 7: Set up the equipment for use. Congratulations—the descaling process is finished! Your Nespresso machine will now be prepared to brew you a new cup of coffee once you have finished filling the water tank.

How to Clean Nespresso Machine Correctly in No Time


Regular cleaning is required to keep your Nespresso clean. Cleaning it won’t do the trick, though.

To remove limescale, which can impair the machine’s performance, you will also need to descale it occasionally.

Your Nespresso will produce delicious coffee with each cup if you do both.

You can look at some coffee recipes that you can make with your Nespresso machine if you’re interested!


How Do I Clean My Nespresso Machine Daily?

Warm soapy water should be used to thoroughly clean the milk canister and drip tray. WARNING: Drip trays and capsule containers should not be washed in the dishwasher. Remove the steam spout’s screw (clockwise) and clean it in hot, soapy water.

Does Vinegar Damage Nespresso Machine?

Vinegar can harm your machine, so never use it. Never add water to the water tank while descaling is taking place. Do not swallow.

What is a Natural Cleaner for Espresso Machine?

A mixture of 25% vinegar and 75% water seems to be the most effective vinegar descaling solution for espresso machines. Up to 50% is advised by some customers and manufacturers.

What’s the Difference Between Descaling and Cleaning?

Coffee oil stains are eliminated through cleaning. However, cleaning cannot get rid of the mineral buildup. Descaling is achieved by the water’s naturally occurring minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.