Drain Flies VS Fruit Flies: All Facts You Should Know

drain flies vs fruit flies

A drain fly, also called a sewer fly, resembles a moth and has fuzzy wings, antennae, and a black or brown color. A fruit fly has dark stripes or spots on its body and red eyes. Its body color can range from brown to yellow. Continue reading, you will learn more differences between drain flies vs fruit flies.

What Are Drain Flies?

Considering that drain flies prefer to stay in damp, generally dark environments, they are also a very unique species of flying insect. Unlike most flies, these drain flies have “fur” on their wings, heads, and along their antennae. Their wings have very distinct borders and are heart-shaped, and they have a tan or light gray color on their bodies.

They can occasionally clumsily fly out and land on the floors and walls as they breed in these dim, wet areas. Although they are completely safe, they can make some people’s asthma worse.

Here are a few distinguishing characteristics between gnats and common fruit flies that you can quickly identify.

What Are Fruit Flies?

Although these flies are very different from all other types of flies, they are frequently difficult to distinguish because of their small size. Additionally, they are the flying insects that enter your kitchen most frequently. There are two very different colors available.

The red-eyed fruit fly has brightly colored stripes on its abdomen and red eyes. The only noticeable difference between dark-eyed fruit flies is the hue of their eyes.

They might be buzzing around you, inside your drain, or even close to a trash can. They are not harmful and only cause minor annoyance. Fruit flies do not bite either people or animals.

The Differences between Drain Flies Vs. Fruit Flies

Both annoying and unsightly, a fly infestation in your house or place of business. Others hover around the produce on your counter, while some species congregate in bathrooms and laundry rooms. You must identify the type of pest present in the structure before you can take remedial action. The first step toward control is understanding the differences between fruit flies and drain flies.

Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies: Physical Features

Although visually distinct, both pests are small, measuring only an eighth of an inch. A drain fly, also referred to as a sewer fly, resembles a moth and is colored black or brown. It has fuzzy wings and antennae. A fruit fly has red eyes and a body that can range from brown to yellow with dark stripes or spots.

Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies: Color

Color is a fantastic way to distinguish between the two. The majority of drain flies are black or brown in color and are typically very dark in hue. They appear to be flying in the air like little black specks. Despite having dark structural components, their wings have a slight translucence.

Fruit flies typically have brown or tan coloring and stand out for having red eyes. The fruit fly’s bright red eyes, which are a trait that is somewhat uncommon to see in other insects, are typically the best way to identify these pests. White, brown, or sepia eyes can be caused by specific genetic mutations, but these are less frequent.

drain flies vs fruit flies

Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies: Diet

The two flies’ diets pretty accurately reflect their names. Drain flies consume organic matter and flower pollen found in stagnant water. Since they enjoy eating the organic material that accumulates in the slime that coats pipes, they are frequently found in drains. People typically come across them near sinks in kitchens and bathrooms because they feed and breed in drains.

Fruit flies enjoy eating anything organic, but they particularly enjoy sweet things. They will consume juice, soda, sugar water, fruits, and vegetables. Since most kitchens house their food source, that is where most people first come into contact with them.

Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies: Habitat

Fruit flies are attracted to rotting food scraps and are commonly found around kitchen appliances and dishwasher drains. The insects lay their eggs in overripe produce that has been left on countertops so that their developing larvae will have plenty to eat. The decayed organic matter in drains, sewer outlets and trash cans serves the same purpose as a breeding ground for drain flies.

Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies: Problems

Fruit flies and drain flies can spread bacteria to the food and surfaces they come into contact with because rot and sewage serve as the insects’ preferred breeding grounds. Additionally, the decaying bodies of large populations of sewer flies produce pathogens that could cause asthma when they die.

How to Prevent Fruit Flies and Drain Flies?

Fly infestations can be greatly reduced by installing insect-proof window screens, fixing wall and foundation cracks, and maintaining good hygiene. Fruit flies cannot survive if overripe produce is thrown away and vegetables are stored properly. Sewer flies can be managed by thoroughly sanitizing drains and pipes.

Even the best preventative measures fall short on occasion. Since flies frequently have multiple breeding sites, getting rid of them can be challenging. Contact Western Pest Services to speak with a specialist about your fruit fly or drain fly issues.

What Flies Lay Their Eggs in Your Drain?

Drain flies frequently lay their eggs in drains, and the larvae stay there until they become adults. The primary food source for drain fly larvae is the bacteria present in a sink or shower drain that drains slowly. Fruit flies prefer to lay their eggs in overripe fruit or trash bins.

  • In drains with bacterial buildup and standing water, a drain fly will lay 30-100 eggs.
  • On the surface of rotting food, a fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs.
  • To mature from egg to adult, drain flies need about 4 weeks.
  • Fruit flies hatch and takes about ten days to mature into adults.

In a little more than a day, both drain flies’ and fruit flies’ eggs hatch. But compared to drain flies, fruit flies can lay a lot more eggs. Fruit flies also multiply and become a significant issue earlier than drain flies because they mature more quickly.

Do Fruit Flies Lay Eggs in Drains?

Your drains must contain food particles for fruit flies to lay their eggs there. Because they frequently lay their eggs in fruit, they are known as fruit flies. Fruit flies can thrive in areas where there isn’t any fruit, breeding there and in other organic matter and decaying food.

  • If they are contaminated with food waste, fruit flies will seek out the kitchen sink, garbage disposal, and even the dishwasher.
  • If you don’t bring food or liquids into the bathroom, you probably won’t find fruit flies there.
  • Fruit flies are less likely to infest your home if you keep drains and garbage cans free of rotting food.
  • Fruit flies most likely entered your home as eggs on produce from the grocery store if they suddenly appeared.
drain flies vs fruit flies

Fruit flies won’t bother your drains if there is no residual food in them. It is possible to stop flies of all kinds from breeding in kitchen sinks and garbage disposals by performing routine maintenance and cleaning.

How Do I Get Rid of Fruit Flies and Drain Flies?

It will work its magic overnight if you add 1/2 cup of salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda, and 1 cup of vinegar. The following morning, follow up with boiling water. Pour a half gallon of water and a cup of vinegar or bleach down the drain to sanitize, then repeat if necessary.

How Long Does a Drain Fly Infestation Last?

The entire lifecycle of a drain fly is 20 days, which is how long an infestation typically lasts. Drain flies can reproduce quickly and restart the cycle if the infestation is not stopped in its tracks. Remove all standing water, sewage, and anything that smells if you find a drain fly infestation.

Will Drain Flies Eventually Go Away?

A drain fly’s life cycle can last eight to 24 days, depending on the environment and temperature of the drain. Because there is no longer a place for the adults to lay their eggs after you destroy their breeding grounds, they eventually vanish.

Conclusion on Drain Flies Vs Fruit Flies

The color of fruit flies is yellow-brown. Drain flies are black or gray in color. Fruit flies typically have red eyes. Drain flies have no discernible eyes. Fruit flies don’t have any visible antennae and have transparent wings. Drain flies have broad, furry wings and feathered antennae that resemble tiny moths.

A drain fly is marginally bigger than a fruit fly. Fruit flies fly frequently. Poor flyers that prefer to crawl are drain flies. Fruit flies prefer to gather around food, particularly fruits and vegetables. In and around drains, not on food, drain flies live and reproduce. Fruit flies are harder to get rid of as a pest because they multiply and mature more quickly than drain flies. When there is food waste nearby or inside drains, fruit flies may gather there.